* = Required


Sworn Complaint of Ethics Violations

When completed, use the Print Form button to print the form. The form must be notarized
before it is submitted. All documentation should be included when submitting the form.

Sworn Complaint of Ethics Violations

When completed, use the Print Form button to print the form. The form must be notarized
before it is submitted. All documentation should be included when submitting the form.

For use of this form, see Section 2-83 of the City Ethics Code.
Any person, including a member of the Ethics Review Board or its staff, acting personally or on behalf of the Board, who believes that there has been a violation of the ethics laws may file a sworn complaint with the Office of the City Clerk.

Complaint submitted by:

*Zip Code:
Email Address:
*Primary Phone:
Alternate Phone:

Identify the person or persons who allegedly committed the violation:

Use the Save/Add button after each entry is completed. Use the Delete button to remove a completed entry.
* Full Name:

*Provide a statement of the facts on which the complaint is based, including the dates on which or period of time in which the alleged violation occurred:

*Describe the nature of the alleged violation, including if possible, the rule or rules allegedly violated:

*Describe all documents or other materials that are relevant to the allegation:

*Describe all documents or other material that are relevant to the allegation but that are not in your possession, including the location of the document or materials if known:

When completed, use the Print Form button to print the form. The form must be notarized
before it is submitted. All documentation should be included when submitting the form.
Return completed form, along with all relevant documentation to:

Office of the City Clerk
Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 839966
San Antonio, Texas 78283-3966

Physical Address:
City Hall
100 Military Plaza, 1st. Floor
San Antonio, Texas 78205
GR.1000-20-a.Legal.RECORD.Sworn Complaint of Ethics Violations
Rev. 2/9/2021

GR.1000-20-a.Legal.RECORD.Sworn Complaint of Ethics Violations
Rev. 2/9/2021